Plot no.86, Patel Timbermart Compound, Behind Star Bazar, Kalbhor Nagar MIDC, Chinchwad 411019.
Plot no.86, Patel Timbermart Compound, Behind Star Bazar, Kalbhor Nagar MIDC, Chinchwad 411019.
CICO POLYGROUT is a low viscosity hydrophilic polyurethane injection resin
which reacts with water in a controlled manner to form a swelling, resilient adhesive
solid in densities and strength appropriate to the designated task. When injected under
pressure into leaking structures, through the process of polymerization, a permanent
flexible water barrier is formed.
The liquid retains its initial low viscosity upon contacting water allowing it to flow
without dilution. Once the CICO POLYGROUT water reaction commences, the grout
expands penetrating into its surrounding and quickly cures to a tough, adhesive solid to
repel the influence of underground seepage flow and solidify the objective ground
which is unaffected by corrosive environments.
CICO POLYGROUT has very remarkable solidifying property even in ground where water flow is violent. It stops water from oozing and solidifies the ground with high strength.
CICO POLYGROUT imparts successful solidifying property in all types of water, such as seawater, mineral water or that containing slight acid and alkali.
CICO POLYGROUT T is extremely stable both chemically and physically and will not be damaged by any bacterium.
CICO POLYGROUTis completely non-pollutant to the water it contacts and has no effect on potable water, fish or marine life.
CICO POLYGROUT possesses excellent adhesiveness to solid particles and is therefore useful in landslide prevention.
CICO POLYGROUT does not wash away or is not diluted by the ground water.