• Plot no.86, Patel Timbermart Compound, Behind Star Bazar, Kalbhor Nagar MIDC, Chinchwad 411019.


Biflex TC 2.5% EC Biftrene

Biflex TC is the most advanced development in today's growing world of termiticides and is the result of years of intense efforts of scientists of FMC Conyration, (USA) - the global leader in termiticide chemistry.

Key Features

  • Biflex TC offers the longest protection period and that too at the lowest dosage.

  • Biflex TC provide double action protection, it creates a repellent barrier and kills active termites.

  • Biflex TC is a safe & environment friéndly product. Has extremely low leaching potential. Oral LD50 for Biflex TC is 1657 mg/kg.

  • Biflex TC iS insoluble in water and binds strongly to surface / soil. it is not carried away by rain, sprinkling or irrigation.

  • Biflex TC has got a very high soil stability i.e. it is less affected by soil acidity, UV light and Mail moisture.

  • Biflex TC is non-systemic i.e. garden plants & Other vegetation do not move the chemical away from the treated area.