• Plot no.86, Patel Timbermart Compound, Behind Star Bazar, Kalbhor Nagar MIDC, Chinchwad 411019.


Cico Lease WB

Water reducible concrete mould release agent.


  • Ideal for use on form-work manufactured from timber, steel, fiber glass, plastics and specialised flexible materials.

  • Provides a clean positive release even in intricate and difficult casting condition.

  • Assists production of uniform mat stain-free concrete surface with reduced incidents of blow holes and surfaceblemishes.

  • Unaffected by strong sunlight, drying winds and foot traffic and can be applied to damp formwork.

  • Due to its excellent release properties, little or no deposit of cement paste remains on the shutter surface.


  • It is used on most types of form-work to give an optimum release and quality of surface finish to concrete over a wide range of designs.

Method of Application

  • Supplied ready to use and can easily be applied by sprayers, squeegee or brush.

Coverage 25-60m 2 (without dilution) / 75-150m 2 (1:5 dilution)
Packaging Size 20 Ltr and 200 Ltr
Shelf Life 12 months