• Plot no.86, Patel Timbermart Compound, Behind Star Bazar, Kalbhor Nagar MIDC, Chinchwad 411019.


Lokfix P

The three versions of Lokfi x polyester resin grout are all pre-measured, two part, fi lled polyster resin grouts. After harden-ing the grout produces anchorages of consistent reproducible values.
The versions are :

  • Lokfix L (Large aggregate)
  • Lokfix S (Small aggregate)
  • Lokfix P (Pumpable grade)
  • Lokfix L is used where hole diameter exceeds bar diameter by 25 to 50mm.
  • Lokfi x S is used where the diff erence between the hole diameter and bar diameter is < 25mm.
  • Lokfi x P is used in overhead or horizontal holes where bar / hole relationship conforms to Lokfi x polyester resin grout S.
  • The thixotropic nature of Lokfi x polyester resin grout P reduces fl ow of grout out of the hole.


  • Fire resistance and creep :
    At operating temperatures above 400C, the creep of Lokfi x polyester resin grout resin under load may become signifi cant. Resin anchors should not be used where structural load bear-ing performance has to be maintained in anchors subjected to fire conditions.

  • Health and safety instructions :
    Confined areas must be well ventilated and no naked fl ames allowed. Contact with the skin should be avoided as certain sensitive skins may be aff ected by contact with the polyester resin. In such cases if contact with the resin occurs, the skin should be washed immediately with soap and water - not sol-vent. Gloves and barrier creams should be used when han-dling these products. Eye contamination must be immediately washed with plenty of water and medical treatment sought.

  • Fire :
    Lokfi x polyester resin grout resin is fl ammable. Confined areas must be well ventilated and no naked fl ames allowed. Do not smoke during use.