• Plot no.86, Patel Timbermart Compound, Behind Star Bazar, Kalbhor Nagar MIDC, Chinchwad 411019.


Nitofloor Hardtop Std.

Nitofl or Hardtop Standard is quality controlled, factory blended powder which are ready to use on site. They contain special quartz-silica aggregates which have been selected for abrasion and wear resistant properties as well as shape and size. These latter considerations, together with the use of high performance workability admixtures, produces a material which is easy to trowel into the surface of fresh, wet concrete. Nitofl or Hardtop Standard cure monolithically to provide a dense, non-porous surface which is extremely hardwearing and abrasion resistant. Monolithic cure ensures that problems normally associated with thin ‘granolithic’ screeds, viz., shrink-age, cracking, etc., are completely overcome. Being non-metallic, Nitofl or Hardtop Standard provide a non-slip surface which will never rust and disintegrate.


  • Nitofl or Hardtop Standard provide a highly abrasion resistant surface to concrete fl oors by the dry shake-on method which ensures that the hardwearing surface bonds monolithically to the base concrete. They are ideally suited for all industrial areas subject to the heaviest traffi c, e.g. loading bays, trucking lanes, car parks, workshops, machine shops, ramps and spillways.


  • Supplied ready to use, no additive required.

  • Non metallic - does not rust or stain.

  • Provides a hard, abrasion resistant surface.

  • Forms monolithic bond with base concrete.

  • Easy and economical to apply.